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198 webcams surroundings the camera Hejnice Jizerské hory

Preview webcam image Hejnice Jizerské hory

Webcam Hejnice Jizerské hory

Follow the webcam and current weather conditions in Hejnice and the Jizera Mountains. Webcam view of the basilica in Hejnice and the Jizera Mountains with a CHMI camera. Hejnice located at the foot of the Jizera Mountains in the Frýdlant foothills…

      Do you plan to go to the area Hejnice or its surroundings? Thanks to cameras and their online shots of the area Hejnice , you can make your plans at the right time and in sunny weather.

     Are you hesitant if today is the right day or you wait a few more days? Watch the cameras and take a look at the weather forecast at www.yr.no - Czech Republic - Hejnice and you will immediately know if to wait a few more days. :-)

     The map shows webcams from the area Hejnice. Zoom out to see other webcams in the area. Click on the "bubble" to get information about the webcam with the option to click on the detail.

Listing of webcams surroundings the camera Hejnice Jizerské hory

Preview webcam image Zinnecker's sheds

Webcam Zinnecker's sheds

Follow the current weather and snow conditions in the Giant Mountains on webcam ONLINE. Webcam on Zinnecker's sheds. Montenegro - Janske Lazne.

Preview webcam image Nová Paka

Webcam Nová Paka

Webcam with amateur weather station in New Pace. The camera works only during the day.

Preview webcam image Černá hora - Hofmanky

Webcam Černá hora - Hofmanky

Follow the weather and snow conditions in the Skiresort Černá Hora ski area with an ONLINE webcam. Webcam Skiresort Černá hora station Hofmanky- Janské Lázně.

Preview webcam image Krásná Lípa

Webcam Krásná Lípa

Watch Krásná Lípa and its surroundings live via webcam. Webcam view of the square in Krásná Lípa from the church of St. Mary Magdalene in the heart of Bohemian Switzerland. Krásná Lípa is a town located in northern Bohemia on the border of the…

Preview webcam image Janské Lázně

Webcam Janské Lázně

Watch the webcam online in Jánské Lázně. View from the webcam on the colonnade in Janky.


     The Liberec Region, which is the smallest region in the Czech Republic in terms of area, consists of four districts - Česká Lípa, Liberec, Jablonec nad Nisou and Semily. The administrative center of the region is Liberec. The symbol of the region became the unique building of the mountain hotel Ještěd, which received the Perret Prize.

     The Lusatian and Jizera Mountains, the Ještěd ridge and the western part of the Giant Mountains lie on the territory of the Liberec region, which is mostly mountainous. The climate in the Liberec region is cold and rainy. You will find the rainiest place in the Czech Republic on the northern slope of the Bílý Potok area. There are mostly coniferous forests in the region.
     Tourism is an important part of the region's economy. If you are looking for a holiday destination in the north of Bohemia, the Liberec region has a lot to offer. In the case of a summer stay, you can choose almost any activity - hiking and biking (both in the mountains and in lower areas), swimming (Macha Lake), city and monument tourism. The most visited castles and chateaux include Bezděz, Sychrov, Frýdlant, Zákupy, Lemberk, Hrubý Rohozec and Valdštejn.
     The biggest tourist attractions are the Jizera Mountains, which surround the cities of Liberec, Jablonec nad Nisou, Lučany nad Nisou, Smržovka, Tanvald and Desná. The highest peak on the Czech side of the Jizera Mountains is Smrk (1124 m above sea level). You can find accommodation, for example, in Bedřichov, Janov nad Nisou or in Josefov Důl. The Jizera Mountains are paradise for skiers in winter and for cyclists in the summer months. In the foothills of the Jizera Mountains 25 km from Liberec you will find the picturesque spa town of Lázně Libverda. Libverda Spa is also the starting point for the "Singltrek pod Smrkem" with almost 80 kilometers of varying difficulty for experienced athletes and families with children.
     The Lusatian Mountains are not very high, but they still form an important climatic boundary, which separates the northern flat regions from the interior of Bohemia. The highest mountain is Luž (793 m above sea level), other important peaks are Jedlová, Klíč, Hvozd and Studenec. During the trips you can admire the diverse folk architecture - Timbered houses with a pedestal and small divided windows, with a gabled roof and with gables inlaid with multicolored slate.
     The Ještěd ridge with the highest peak Ještěd (1012 m above sea level) is a popular place for skiers. Ještěd Ski Resort offers ideal conditions for all skiers. In the summer months, you will find fun trails with various sites with information about the region. The hotel right on the top of Ještěd not only has a restaurant, but there is also the possibility to stay. The rooms here offer you far-reaching views of all corners of the world or the feeling of flying a spaceship. Accommodation in Ještěd is simply an extraordinary experience.

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