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7 webcams - Kenya

     Map with online shots 7 of webcams. On the map you will find online cameras with information about weather, traffic, views of cities and nature from the state Kenya. The cameras are sorted by individual regions, cities and focus.

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Last added cameras - Kenya

     Kenya (Republic of Kenya) is located in East Africa on the coast of the Indian Ocean. The capital is Nairobi, which lies on a plateau in the southwest of the territory.
     Kenya attracts tourists thanks to its national parks in the savannah, which are full of wild and endangered animals, and thanks to one of the most beautiful beaches in the Indian Ocean. Kenya's 56 national parks and game reserves provide refuge for the last large wild animals, herds of elephants, white and black rhinos. The most famous parks include the Masai Mara reserve and the Tsavo National Park.
     Kenya is located in the equatorial and monsoon zone. Average air temperatures range from 28° - 32°C.

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