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Webcam Montbéliard - A36

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Montbéliard - A36

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Watch the traffic situation in and around Montbéliard online with a webcam. Webcam view of the traffic situation on the A36 motorway near the town of Montbéliard. Camera view towards Mulhouse.

Montbéliard is a picturesque town located in the eastern part of France in the Franche-Comté region. It got its name from the original Slavic tribe that settled in the area in the Middle Ages.

One of Montbéliard's most distinctive features is its 13th-century castle, which stands on a hill above the town. This impressive castle is a symbol of the city and offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding countryside. Today it serves as a cultural center where exhibitions, concerts and festivals take place.

Montbéliard's history dates back to the Middle Ages, and this is evident in its picturesque town centre. The streets are lined with beautiful houses with wooden half-timbered facades, which give the town an authentic and fairy-tale look. Place Saint-Martin is the center of the city, home to the town hall and the ancient church, famous for its bell-shaped wooden sanctum sanctorum. A walk through these picturesque streets will take you back in time and allow you to discover the rich history of Montbéliard.

Take a look at the cameras and watch the weather around the city of Montbéliard :-)

webcam Montbéliard , Montbéliard - A36


Zoom out to see other webcams around this camera. Montbéliard - A36.

     Are you going to go to area Montbéliard? Such you are correctly with us :-). On the map, you will find webcams from the area Montbéliard and its surroundings. Thanks to online footage from the webcams of the area Montbéliard and its surroundings, you can set off at the right time and in sunny weather.

    You are planning a holiday, a trip or a business trip in the next days and you are not sure what the weather will be like? Check out the weather forecast at www.yr.no - France - Montbéliard and you will immediately know if to wait a few more days. :-)

    Zoom out or zoom in on the map to see other webcams around your selected webcam. Click on the "bubble" to get information about the camera with the option to click on the detail.

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